Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Beauty of Sisterhood

When one talks about sisterhood, some think it's about having the same DNA but to me sisterhood means something totally different. To me sisterhood is a bond between girls that is deeper than friendship. It's means having your girl's back. It means been there for your girl. So what i want to know is, why women of this generation think throwing insults, going on Facebook to publicly disgrace a sister is appropriate? Some of us do the best we can to bring a sister down when you should be there to lift her even when she thinks she wouldn't find her way, give her a hand and help her get to her destination. What do i gain from bringing a sister down? Absolutely nothing. The reason why most of us have been in the same place for years is because we keep fighting each other, we keep pushing each other to the ground and at the end of the day neither of us moves.

Sisterhood is about doing the little things to make a sister happy
Sisterhood is about letting a sister know she can count on you for anything
Sisterhood is about sharing sorrows and happiness with a sister
Sisterhood is about complimenting a sister
Sisterhood is about sharing dreams and achieving goals with a sister
Sisterhood is about being a sister's keeper

Never leave a sister hanging
Never talk bad about sister
Never try to bring a sister down

Don't walk in front of me and be my leader
Don't walk behind me and be my follower
Walk beside me and be my SISTER
So ladies lets try and work with each other to keep the sisterhood strong.

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